Sports Field Maintenance Services

Hummer Turfgrass Systems provides a complete line of natural grass maintenance programs and cultural services to both sports and golf customers.

Hummer Turfgrass Systems provides a complete line of natural grass maintenance programs and cultural services to both sports and golf customers. Our Maintenance team is staffed by turfgrass professionals with degrees in Turfgrass and soils science and offer over 20 years of experience in turfgrass management.

Services offered include:

Fertility and Plant Protectant Programs

Aerate Sweeper
Core and Solid Tine Aeration

Deep Tine
Deep Tine Aeration

Lineal Soil Decompaction
Lineal Soil Decompaction


Verti-Cutting / Dethatching

Slice Seeder
Slice Seeding

Fraze Mowing
Fraze Mowing

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